
Is Sony cracking down on Vita “email trick” users? Vita Error code C2-14393-0

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
"We’re seeing growing reports of users of older PS Vita firmwares being unable to access their email accounts (gmail, yahoo) through the PS Vita. The issue has beenconfirmed by some Vita hackers such as MajorTom.
People running on firmwares such as 3.01 and 3.18 are reporting the issue. Firmwares 3.51 and 3.52 seem to be unaffected at the moment.

Vita error code C2-14393-0

The symptom is that trying to add a new mail account (gmail or yahoo) on a PS Vita running a low firmware (such as 3.01 or 3.18) will yield the following error: C2-14393-0. It is unclear if the app is being blocked at the Sony level, or the mail providers.
Our technique to fix gmail on your ps vita is to fix another specific error, error C2-14396-3, and does not work in this specific situation. This doesn’t seem to be related to a POP/IMAP misconfiguration either.
Email is used massively on older PS Vita firmware to trigger various email-based Vita hacks that let user install emulators and other homebrews.

What to do if you run into error code C2-14393-0 on your PS Vita?

Users have reported success on these old PS Vita firmware with other email providers such as, so the current recommendation is to try and create an email account with those providers. Therefore the issue people are facing with gmail or yahoo makes even less sense if it were an attempt from Sony to block hacking. So this could very well be some protocol update from the email providers themselves, that maybe the Vita email app on lower firmwares is not compatible with.
You can discuss the issue more in details on our /talk thread.

Update: MajorTom’s latest tweet seems to confirm that this is probably an update on gmail/yahoo’s end rather than a move by Sony (protocol update, as I stated above)

"Latest email application of the vita (3.60) supports up to TLSv1, old versions only support up to SSLv3. Gmail doesn't support SSLv3 anymore" - Major_Tom

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Grisaia no Kajitsu La Fruit de la Grisaia PSP English Alpha

Sunday, January 25, 2015
I was able to insert my own text in the game (Also because the text is easy to find.)

You can find the text in the Eboot.bin after your decrypt it. The thing you have to know this is just a POC nothing else.

Here is a few lines that are from the PC version.

Keep in mind that an English patch won't be released.... so please if you have any question please just leave a comment below. -AN

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TUTORIAL to Launch psp games from LiveArea

Thursday, December 25, 2014
"Today we decided to release our method to run psp games from LiveArea (as bubbles), so here is your christmas gift : 

We managed to grab arguments passed to pspemu app when you start a game : 

originalpath=ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/NPUG80318& selfpath=ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/NPUG80318/EBOOT.PBP& discid=NPUG80318&parentallevel=3&gamedataid=&appver=00.00& bootable=1&category=EG

So as you can see, arguments are splitted with '&', and folder name is shown at the beggining, that means we can inject our own arguments by renaming the folder of our game :)

So, the trick is to rename a psn game to MyHomebrew&
Then, create another folder named MyHomebrew
Finally, rebuild database.

When you will start the game, the EBOOT.PBP from MyHomebrew folder will be started instead of MyHomebrew& eboot.

So all you have to do is sign your homebrew using fake_np with the original psn game eboot as base eboot (tutorials are available everywhere, just google it) and put the signed eboot into the MyHomebrew folder

Start the psn game from the LiveArea, your homebrew will now run !

this method works up to fw 3.35

Have fun and merry christmas to everyone !
~mr.gas and tomtomdu80"


One last thing, if you followed the guide to make multiple bubbles, make sure to always copy the license file for the game your making a custom bubble out of, because if you don't you might lose your game when rebuilding the Ps Vita database. -Naruto977 
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Can this be considered the first PS Vita native “homebrew”?

Sunday, December 7, 2014
"I was not really sure where to put the quotes in this title. Is this a “Vita” homebrew? is this a “native” homebrew? Is this even a “homebrew”? Depending on your definitions, your answer might vary.
But the fact remains that BBalling1 (a.k.a. Codelion) showcased yesterday some homemade code running through the JSoS (Javascript on Steroids) framework, that we typically refer to as the “native vita exploit” these days. Regular progress is made on the native vita exploit, with Hyken recently releasing an attempt to unify the various ongoing efforts, under the name Vitasploit.
Bballing1 hasn’t been resting either it seems, and if I were to guess, I’d say many people are now busy reverse-engineering the modules that have been dumped so far from the webkit process.
Yesterday, BBalling1 showcased a video showing the Vita controlling a tiny cube’s position on his computer, with the use of the Vita’s gyroscope (video below). It’s worth mentioning here that the display logic is hosted on a computer, not on the Vita itself. Basically, the Vita’s now sending the gyroscope coordinates to the JSoS server.
BBalling also credits @MrNetrix for the work on this.
Yes, this is not a game, and yes, technically it is not fully running on the Vita since the rendering happens on a desktop. Still, this is pretty exciting. I’m wondering how close we are to running the obligatory pong fully on the PS Vita through the Webkit exploit :)" - Wololo

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PlayStation Experience Full Keynote

Sunday, December 7, 2014

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Assassins Creed Nobunaga's Ambition

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Made by Naruto977
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Vita hack: Proof of concept code updated to support up to firmare 3.18, and credits

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Earlier this week, Davee released a proof of concept Native exploit within Webkit for the Playstation Vita. The code would only work on firmware 2.60, but with the implicit promise that firmwares up to 3.18 included are vulnerable.Given the fire that propagated through the scene within minutes of us mentioning this release, hackers left and right were quick to contact me about giving proper credit for the exploits; Davee also got busy upgrading the exploit with BBalling (CodeLion) to make it work for all supported firmwares. That is, all firmwares up to 3.18 included (no, as we said several times over the past few weeks, this specific Webkit exploit does not work on 3.30, and if you upgraded, you made the decision intentionally).
It is also now confirmed that this is the same exploit that was mentioned by Acid_snake and CodeLion in this article: Native Vita Hacking: What’s the situation so far? (Part 2)
In a short blog post, Davee stated that the driving force behind this exploit is CodeLionJosh_Axey and Archaemic have also leveraged this exploit in their own ongoing experiments.
He also updated the exploit, after CodeLion posted his own 3.18 compatible version. Davee’s version ends up being more self contained for the end user, so that’s the one I’m showing below (CodeLion’s code needs netcat to run on the server, which can be extremely useful for debugging purposes, devs might want to give it a look).

Test on your vita

You can test if your vita is vulnerable with the link below. Vulnerable vitas should see something like this (screenshot thanks to @WAFLNeo):
Non vulnerable vitas will see an error code, most likely, something similar to the screenshot below:
Test links:
So, is your vita vulnerable? Did you avoid the temptation of updating to 3.30?
Source: DaveeCodeLion

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