
FIFA 11 exploit released for Vita FW 3.01! (And yet another leak! :-/)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Ok guys, you might want to hurry up and grab the game as Mathew_Wi has decided to release the exploit now as the game seems to have been leaked. This is quite disappointing actually because this is the second leak for this kernel exploit.
So, the game is Fifa 11 and it is available on the US and JP stores. Although Mathew hasn’t described where the leak happened, I’d like to send out a message to the leaker saying that he hasn’t helped anyone by leaking and instead he has not only ruined many of our plans (like my sleep :(  ) but has also ruined it for all the people who were going through the ninja release the right way.
I’d like to point you and everyone else to the “Regarding ninja releases”thread just to remind you about how a ninja release works. Anyone who has ever wondered why we do ninja releases, it’s because leaks like this just ruin it for everyone.
On to the release, Mathew_Wi posted here on the forums about how annoyed he was with the leak and thus released his exploit.
Since some genius decided to leak the exploit, and wololo isn’t online right now, I am releasing this now. Sorry for breaking rules, but hey some dickhead leaked it and it will likely disappear. I’m doing this because I’d rather not punish the people who were waiting because of some ass hat.
Qwikrazor qwikly ( :P ) responded by releasing the TN-V loaders for the exploit. The loaders can be downloaded from the link below


If you appreciate the work of the hackers who find these exploits for the community, and want to show your support, thanks for checking the donation links below.
You can donate to Mathew_Wi with the link below:
You can Donate to qwikrazor87 with the link below:


The Loader for Fifa 11 can be downloaded on the TNV Loaders page
Note that the loaders have not been tested yet.

This is most likely your last chance to get eCFW on your Vita before the next firmware update is released which will almost definitely patch the kernel exploit required to run eCFW.
Leaks like this are totally unfair towards everyone who waits for them, towards the dev responsible for the exploit and towards the scene as a whole, We’ve already seen how much leaks can damage the scene as with the coldbird incident. Leaking an exploit does not make you helpful to people who aren’t members of the /talk forums, it makes you an ignorant person who has no respect for another’s hard work and precious time. If you were looking for attention, look at what you’ve gotten, no one will even know your name.

For everyone who is not a member of /talk, consider registering now, as it is the best way to grab any exploit game before the public release.

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