
TUTORIAL to Launch psp games from LiveArea

Thursday, December 25, 2014
"Today we decided to release our method to run psp games from LiveArea (as bubbles), so here is your christmas gift : 

We managed to grab arguments passed to pspemu app when you start a game : 

originalpath=ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/NPUG80318& selfpath=ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/NPUG80318/EBOOT.PBP& discid=NPUG80318&parentallevel=3&gamedataid=&appver=00.00& bootable=1&category=EG

So as you can see, arguments are splitted with '&', and folder name is shown at the beggining, that means we can inject our own arguments by renaming the folder of our game :)

So, the trick is to rename a psn game to MyHomebrew&
Then, create another folder named MyHomebrew
Finally, rebuild database.

When you will start the game, the EBOOT.PBP from MyHomebrew folder will be started instead of MyHomebrew& eboot.

So all you have to do is sign your homebrew using fake_np with the original psn game eboot as base eboot (tutorials are available everywhere, just google it) and put the signed eboot into the MyHomebrew folder

Start the psn game from the LiveArea, your homebrew will now run !

this method works up to fw 3.35

Have fun and merry christmas to everyone !
~mr.gas and tomtomdu80"


One last thing, if you followed the guide to make multiple bubbles, make sure to always copy the license file for the game your making a custom bubble out of, because if you don't you might lose your game when rebuilding the Ps Vita database. -Naruto977 

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