
Claymore Gingan no Majo NDS English

Saturday, August 16, 2014
So, I've recently just like Code Geass for NDS, I have a few Eng pics for this game done so here they are: -Naruto Uzamak...
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Universal media Server Ps vita

Thursday, August 7, 2014
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[POC] Beta PKG Installation on retail 3.15 Ps Vita

Friday, August 1, 2014
"Hey, Here is just a POC of beta pkg installation (these native pkg encrypted with PSP AES keys), we can actually install them on 3.15 ! Here is the proof (uncharted_portable.pkg is a beta pkg which can be found in the leaked SDK) : Credits : -tomtomdu80 -mr.gas -GodmanGen If any dev from PS3 scene or good with PKG file format wants...
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